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Village Life Section :: Page 97

  • Celebrate YS Pride

    The village’s LGBTQ comnunity and allies will celebrate YS Pride this Saturday, June 30, with a festival beginning at noon and continuing through the day until 5 p.m. in the parking lot of Peach’s. The Pride Parade begins at 5 p.m. from Peach’s parking lot, and continues downtown. Pictured above is Zay Crawford, a proud participant who led last year’s parade. (News archive Photo By Aaron Zaremsky)

    The annual local celebration, YS Pride, will be this Saturday, June 30, with a free festival from noon to 5 p.m. behind Peach’s Grill featuring music, food and vendors.

  • Women’s Park thrives at 20

    The 20th anniversary of the Women’s Park of Yellow Springs will be celebrated on Sunday, July 1, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the park on the Little Miami Trail bike path. Shown above are some of the park’s organizers and gardeners, including Evelyn LaMers, in front; behind, from left, Helen Eier, Deb Henderson and Macy Reynolds. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Twenty years ago, villager and women’s rights activist Gene Trolander gathered together like-minded friends to bring to life a vision she held dear: a park to celebrate the lives of Yellow Springs women.

  • The role of police in preventing suicide

    Local police have responded ten times to a possibly suicidal person in the village this year. While each case is unique, in all of them police assess the safety of the situation and then choose a course of action.

  • 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb registration open

    Registration is open for the fifth annual Yellow Springs 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb.

  • Suicide a growing concern

    It’s called the ripple effect. When someone takes their own life, the act impacts entire families and communities, spreading out as water from a stone tossed in a pond.

  • YSHS sports heroes to be honored

    Submitted Photo Yellow Springs Athletic Hall of Fame inductee Charlie Coles, front row center, led the 1972 YSHS boys basketball team to a district title as its coach. Coles, who died in 2013, went on to win more games at Miami University than any other coach. (Submitted photo)

    State champions, accomplished coaches, professional players. Yellow Springs has cultivated a roster of significant athletic achievement over the decades.

  • Women’s Park to be honored

    Some of the Women's Park gardeners and founders recently met at the park, on the Little Miami Bike Trail. The park will be honored with the YS Arts and Culture Commission's VIDA on Aug. 1 at 6 p.m. The public is invited.

    The 20th anniversary of the Women’s Park of Yellow Spring will be celebrated Sunday, July 1, from 1 to 3 p.m.

  • Local resources for suicide prevention

    Recent suicides in Yellow Springs and beyond have galvanized those working in and around the village to prevent suicide.

  • Loving the mud, and T-ball

    It was cloudy and rainy Friday night, June 8, our second night of T-ball. It had poured heavily for five minutes at 6:10 p.m., but it was not raining at 6:30 p.m., our start time.

  • Yellow Springs Spring Street Fair 2018

    A look around last week’s Street Fair.

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