Village Life Section :: Page 102
Kindergarten registration and Spring Book Fair next week at Mills Lawn
Kindergarten registration at Mills Lawn Elemetary begins on Monday, as well as the school’s Spring Scholastic Book Fair.
Maple sugaring at Flying Mouse
2018 is Flying Mouse Farms’ tenth year producing maple syrup, and maple sugaring season came early this year, as it did the year before, and the year before that.
Two conferences’ ‘down to earth’ topics
Liken them to lichen. Two local nonprofits, akin to how algae and fungi form that symbiotic organism, are working in mutually beneficial ways to transform the local food and farming scene.
House of AUM ready to #PressforProgress
The House of AUM will be hosting an International Women’s Day event on March 8.
A closer look at local school taxes
Currently near the top third of school districts in a tri-county area for its combined school income and property tax, Yellow Springs Schools would rise even higher in comparison if a 4.7-mill/0.25 percent income tax levy is passed May 8.
Tickets to Antioch School’s Auction Gala are still available
Seating is limited, but tickets to this live auction and performance by Mo Amer are still available.
A people’s history of Yellow Springs
About 50 and counting local residents, whose lives span three centuries, are represented in an ambitious effort to create a social history, a people’s history, of African Americans in Yellow Springs, organized by The 365 Project.
Hike with a guide at John Bryan this Saturday
Explore the history and geography of the gorge, with the guidance of experts this Saturday morning.
A focus on women’s heart health
In 2011 villager Lynda Terry felt unusually tired. In the middle of the night, she woke up feeling nauseous, with a strange pain radiating down her arm. Though the symptoms weren’t the ones most would expect, Terry believed she was having a heart attack.
Local photographer featured at Emporium
Local artist, Lincoln Castricone makes landscape photography that is available currently at Emporium Wine & Underdog Cafe in Yellow Springs.
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