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Articles by Diane Chiddister :: Page 43

  • Clarence Jones to give commencement address

    Dr. Clarence B. Jones will give Antioch College's 2015 commencement address. (Photo by Michael Collopy)

    Dr. Clarence Jones will deliver the commencement address at Antioch College’s graduation this Saturday, June 20.

  • Village Council— No easy options for sidewalks

    There were no easy options presented by Assistant Village Manager John Yung in his report on local sidewalks to Village Council at its May 18 meeting.

  • Luisa Owens’ poems bear witness, honor dead

    Luisa Owen will read her original poems in German on Friday, June 5, at the Epic Book Shop. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Luisa Owens’ poems describe the terror and inhumanity of daily life in the concentration camp in Yugoslavia, where Owen lived with her family shortly before the end of World War II, from the ages of 9 to 13.

  • Council gives final approval for new landlord law

    At Village Council’s May 18 meeting, Council gave final approval to a new policy regarding delinquent utility bills, bringing to an end several months of sometimes contentious protest.

  • Villager to read poems about concentration camp

    Villager Luisa Owen will read original poems in German on Friday, June 5, at the Epic Book Shop.

  • Village Council— Ways to reduce waste eyed

    How can Village government collect villagers’ solid waste and recyclables in the most environmentally sustainable manner? And could changes in current Village rate structures encourage villagers to reduce their solid waste?

  • Yellow Springs water loop construction continues

    Village Supervisor of Electric and Water Distribution Johnnie Burns, at left, is shown last Friday on Corry Street overseeing the work of GM Pipelines crews working on the water system loop completion project. To facilitate water flow, the GM crews are replacing old 8-inch pipes with 10- or 12- inch pipes at three locations: downtown, on the Antioch College campus, and on Herman Street. The project should be complete at the end of May. (Photo by diane Chiddister)

    Village utility crews are working on the loop completion project of the Village water system, which aims to improve water pressure and fire flow to downtown businesses, residents and Antioch College.

  • Roosevelt to leave Antioch College in December

    Antioch College President Mark Roosevelt addressed a capacity crowd on campus Tuesday afternoon with the news that he will be stepping down in December of this year, when his contract expires. He says he “will have finished” what he tried to do. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    At a meeting attended by several hundred in the Antioch College community on Tuesday, May 5, College President Mark Roosevelt announced that he will no longer lead the college when his five-year contract expires at the end of 2015.

  • International fellows stay in Yellow Springs

    Nadia Jalawi, left, of Malaysia, and Ratih Rahmadanti of Indonesia are young professionals visiting Yellow Springs for a month as part of a cultural and professional exchange sponsored by the U.S. State Department and the International City/County Management Association. While here, they will be helping Village government find ways to engage citizens with social media. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Ratih Rahmadanti of Indonesia is keen on learning about civic engagement in a municipal government. Nadia Jalawi of Malaysia is interested in how a municipality can include renewables in its energy portfolio, and hopes to take what she learns back to her country.

  • Southeast Asian professionals visit village

    Two southeast Asian professionals are visiting Yellow Springs for a month as part of a cultural and professional exchange.

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