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Articles by Jessica Thomas :: Page 9

  • Abortion Rights | Locals decry leaked SCOTUS draft

    About 30 people gathered at the corner of Limestone Street and Xenia Avenue on Saturday, May 7; the reason — abortion rights.

  • Village Council reviews Yellow Springs’ energy contracts

    Village Council heard a first reading on a measure that would allow Village Manager Josué Salmerón to continue negotiations on an energy contract with American Municipal Power.

  • Gavin DeVore fills open Village Council seat

    DeVore Leonard has a background as a community organizer, working for organizations such as Columbus-based One Ohio Now, and the Center for Progressive Leadership, which is based in Cincinnati.

  • 2022 Ohio primary ballot breakdown

    A robust turnout was reported by election officials on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5, when villagers and Miami Township residents for the first time voted at Antioch University Midwest. Villagers voted on candidates for Village Council and school board, and village and township voters weighed in on Miami Township trustees. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The 2022 Ohio primary election is on Tuesday, May 3, with polls open 6:30 a.m.–7:30 p.m. All Yellow Springs voters living in precincts 440, 441, 442 and 443, and Miami Township residents living in precinct 455, will vote at Antioch University Midwest’s multipurpose room.

  • Samples show COVID in Yellow Springs wastewater

    Recent local wastewater samples show an increase in COVID-19 viral shedding in the village over the past couple of weeks

  • Village Council sets new social media rules

    At its regular Monday, April 18 meeting, the first in-person meeting in months, Village Council unanimously passed legislation adopting rules for Council members wanting to engage online.

  • Lisa Kreeger resigns from Village Council

    Lisa Kreeger has announced her resignation from Village Council. First elected in 2017, Kreeger is in the second of a four-year term on Council.

  • Village Council becomes fiscal sponsor for Chamber

    At the April 4 Village Council meeting, held virtually via Zoom, Village Council members unanimously voted to become the fiscal sponsor for the Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce.

  • Village Council discusses public records, conduct

    At its regular April 4 meeting, held virtually via Zoom, Village Council members discussed the possibility of charging individuals for public records that are costly to the Village.

  • Mary’s Way construction stalled

    Mary’s Way, named after the late Mary Donahoe, covers land that was donated by Derick Donahoe, land on Agraria’s property and land purchased from Yellow Springs School District by the Village of Yellow Springs.

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