
From The Print Section :: Page 316

  • Former CEO turns talents to art

    Yellow Springs resident Richard Lapedes has occupied his MillWorks studio for 12 years. He will be opening his first show on Oct. 21 at the Yellow Springs Arts Council Gallery. The show, entitled “Sculpture: Recovering from 30 years of Management,” celebrates his retirement from the corporate world but also incorporates the lessons he learned from it. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    The title of Richard Lapedes’s upcoming first show — “Sculpture: Recovering from 30 years of Management” — sums up his feelings on the matter.

  • A hair salon gets a new look

    Lori Deal, hair stylist and owner of the recently renovated and renamed Blue Hairon Salon, works with longtime client Linda Sikes, who came to the shop recently in preparation for a family wedding. The salon, which features local, original art in its decor, will open its doors as part of the next village Art Stroll, 6–9 p.m. Friday, Oct. 14. Deal will have refreshments for stroll visitors. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Hair stylist Lori Deal is celebrating a new “do” of sorts for her hair salon, along with a new shop name, after the recent completion of a full remodeling of the interior.

  • Village a great place to raise children

    Bob and Olga Harris live in the same Miami Drive home they purchased (for $24,500) almost 50 years ago. They found Yellow Springs an excellent place to raise their three children, whose photos, along with those of their three grandchildren, are proudly displayed in their home. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    In the late 1960s when Robert and Olga Harris moved to the village, racial segregation and prejudice was a reality in most cities and towns. But in Yellow Springs, they found a place where their children were free to be who they wanted to be without the burden of racial prejudice.

  • Next steps on CBE land

    Village Council at its Oct. 3 meeting again took up the subject of the proposed utilities extension to the entrance of the CBE land; Council appeared ready to move ahead on the utilities extension.

  • Thelma Berley Memorial

    A “celebration of life” for Thelma Berley will be held on Sunday, Oct. 16, at 2 p.m.

  • Little ups and downs

    Life’s little ups and downs

  • Big debate, big screen at Little Art

    The house was packed Monday night at the Little Art Theatre for a Debate Watch Party presented in partnership with ThinkTV, Channel 16, the local PBS affiliate. Viewers at the free event watched a live stream of the historic presidential debate as it unfolded at Hofstra University in Long Island, N.Y., variously responding to the candidates’ pronouncements with jeers or applause. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    A live stream of the candidates’ debate at Long Island’s Hoftra University and the Little Art’s programming leading up to it were presented through a partnership with ThinkTV, Channel 16, the Dayton-based PBS affiliate.

  • Thelma Berley

    Thelma Berley, 96, of Yellow Springs, died on Oct. 1, 2016.

  • 2017 Village budget: revenue is up, spending stable

    Village Council at its Sept. 19 meeting heard the first reading of the Village budget for the 2017 general fund. Revenues are expected to rise in 2017.

  • Building plans considered for aging schools

    The school board is taking steps to deal with what it characterizes as aging infrastructure in Yellow Springs’ two school buildings: Mills Lawn Elementary and McKinney Middle School/Yellow Springs High School.

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