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History Section :: Page 5

  • YS News press runs again, in Iowa

    A little known fact about the YS News’ old press: it’s still printing!

  • Bubbles and Beer

    From the Yellow Springs News, 1966

    Well, the bubbles were then and the beer is now. Check out the bicycle on the far left of the ad, you can sit there now and order a beer at Peach’s on Xenia Ave.

  • Present gives voices to village past

    The Yellow Springs downtown of the early 1900s is superimposed on the Yellow Springs of today. In the same way, the village’s past comes alive on the Web pages of local history blogs started in recent years. The historical photo (c.1910) was taken from approximately the same location looking north on Xenia Avenue 100 years ago. Visible are the traction line, built in 1902, the Independent Order of the Odd Fellows building and new cement sidewalks. Visit for more photos in the “Past and Present” series. (Historical photo courtesy of Antiochiana, Antioch College; photo by Megan Bachman)

    Yellow Springs’ founders and early settlers didn’t have Internet — they probably couldn’t have imagined it — but later generations are now using it to imagine the lives of former villagers.

  • Mill reopens with new management

    Jim Hammond and Randy Gifford have teamed up, with help from friends and family, to reopen an expanded Grinnell Mill Bed & Breakfast. The mill will also hold open house hours on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    When Antioch University no longer knew what to do with the dilapidated Grinnell Mill, Jim Hammond stepped in and devoted considerable time and personal resources to restore it, plank and nail.

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