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Land & Environmental Section :: Page 16

  • Plans to expand mining in area cause concern

    A recent proposal by Enon Sand & Gravel to significantly expand mining operations in Mad River Township, just north of Yellow Springs, has many area residents deeply concerned.

  • Community Solutions buys half of Arnovitz farm

    Leaders and supporters of Community Solutions celebrated the nonprofit's new land holdings Thursday night. Community Solutions bought 128 acres of land on the western edge of Yellow Springs at auction on March 16, paying $655,000 for two of nine parcels up for sale. All parcels of the 267-acre Arnovitz farm were sold to a total of seven buyers. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    All nine parcels of the Arnovitz farm were sold at auction Thursday, March 16. Nearly half the land was purchased by Community Solutions, which plans to establish a center for regenerative agriculture on the property and relocate its offices there.

  • Rich Earth Institute to discuss urine as agricultural resource

    The Rich Earth Institute recycles 5,000 gallons of urine a year and conserves more than 100,000 gallons of potable water.

    “Rethinking the Nutrient Cycle: Capturing Urine as a Resource” will be presented by the Rich Earth Institute on Tuesday, March 14, 7 p.m., in McGregor 113 at Antioch College.

  • Sale puts farmland at risk

    The 267-acre Arnovitz property is slated to go to auction March 16 in nine parcels. (YS News map)

    At Village Council’s Feb. 21 meeting, a villager and Village Council member urged villagers to come together in an effort to preserve farmland at risk of development on the western edge of Yellow Springs.

  • Conference digs into new research on soil health

    Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions is hosting a symposium Friday and Saturday, Feb. 24–25, that is devoted to the topic of soil.

  • Rising from the ashes, dead wood gets a new life

    Local woodworker Tom Hawley and local arborist Bob Moore recently sat in front of the new table Hawley made for the Yellow Springs library’s periodical room. The table was made with local wood harvested by Moore from ash trees, which were felled by the Emerald Ash Borer. (Submitted photo)

    The only upside decimation of ash trees by the emerald ash borer was the preponderance of wood that became available as the dead trees were cut down before they could collapse.

  • Symposium on soil health to be held

    The Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions will hold a Soil Symposium Feb. 24 and 25.

    The importance of soil quality to human health and climate cooling will be the focus of a Healthy Soil Symposium on Feb. 24 and 25 in McGregor Hall, Room 113, on the Antioch College campus.

  • Train to be an ‘eco-sattva’

    The Dharma Center and Community Solutions are partnering to offer a course in Buddhist responses to climate change. The course begins Jan. 12.

  • Standing up for Standing Rock

    About 35 people gathered at the Yellow Springs Speedway last Friday to protest the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota, which cuts through the Standing Rock Indian Reservation. The local protest is one of several efforts in Yellow Springs to call attention to the issue and support protestors in Standing Rock. Speedway’s parent company, Marathon, is a major investor in the pipeline project, and local protestors plan to continue pressuring the company with demonstrations each Friday in Yellow Springs and each Wednesday at Speedway’s Enon headquarters. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Recently, a number of Yellow Springs residents have been advocating on behalf of those demonstrating against the construction of an oil pipeline through the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North and South Dakota.

  • Moms Out Front for a livable climate

    Lauren Craig, left, and Laura Skidmore are two members of the Yellow Springs organizing team of Mothers Out Front, a national grassroots nonprofit seeking a “livable climate” for future generations. Meetings of the local team, started by Skidmore this spring, have drawn about 13 area women. All mothers, grandmothers and women with children in their lives are invited to join with the local group’s advocacy of renewable energy and other climate-friendly solutions. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Mothers Out Front, a national grassroots group whose Yellow Springs team was started last spring by Laura Skidmore, seeks a “swift and complete transition to clean energy” in order to reduce the effects of climate change on future generations.

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