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Land & Environmental Section :: Page 19

  • Flying Mouse Farms’ Sweet Serenade

    John and Michelle of Flying Mouse Farms boil maple sap to make their patented syrup each season. The process is fascinating and the end result delicious. (all photos by Aaron Zaremsky)

  • Land trusts applaud Ohio Congressional vote on tax incentive

    Ohio Congress recently voted in favor of extending tax incentives on conservation easements, and Ohio land trusts, including Tecumseh Land Trust, have rallied in support of this decision. (Photo from

    Ohio’s top land trusts, including Yellow Springs-based Tecumseh Land Trust, are applauding Congress’s vote to make permanent a federal tax incentive for those who preserve land with a conservation easement.

  • BLOG— The ends of things

    It’s 90 fierce degrees outside, but summer is done. Labor Day arrives to wake us from the green dream.

  • Seeding a food revolution

    Here in the heart of industrial agriculture, a quiet revolution has begun. It’s small-scale, and plans to stay that way. Its dimensions are measured not in acres, but millimeters. (Submitted photo)

    Here in the heart of industrial agriculture, a quiet revolution has begun. It’s small-scale, and plans to stay that way. Its dimensions are measured not in acres, but millimeters.

  • ‘Ghouls on wings’ bug Yellow Springs


    The abundance of mosquitos in Yellow Springs is not the punchline to a cruel celestial joke but the result of an unusually wet June and July.

  • Paintings, prose for land trust

    Local author Bill Felker read some of his observations of the natural world during the opening of the 25/25 landscape art exhibit at the Winds Cafe on Sunday, July 12. The art, to benefit Tecumseh Land Trust, will show through Sept. 6. (photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    This past weekend, patrons of the arts and admirers of nature were able to “ooh” and “ahh” for the same reason.

  • Faith in change on climate

    As a member of the National Religious Partnership for the Environment, Marionist Sister Leanne Jablonski hopes to unite faith groups in environmental awareness and responsibility.

  • Yellow Springs Resilience Network ramps up efforts

    In January local members of the Yellow Springs Resilience Network toured a green building on the campus of Oberlin College which features solar panels, geothermal heating and cooling and a “living machine” waste recycling system. From left are Dave Westneat, Kat Walker, Duard Headley, Al Schlueter and Rick Walkey. (Submitted photo by Eric Johnson)

    Yellow Springs Resilience Network hopes to insulate the village from the worst impacts of climate change.

  • Tour straw bale, passive house with Green Drinks

    The YS Resilience Network local chapter of Green Drinks will meet on Wednesday, June 24, 6–8 p.m. for a tour of a straw bale home and a passive house.

  • A local energy channel on YouTube

    When it comes to people fighting climate change, Yellow Springs has a lot of stories to tell.

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