Village Life Section :: Page 111
Learn about fall prevention at workshop
A fall prevention workshop will be offered Thursday, Sept. 28 at 10:30 a.m. in the Bryan Center gym.
‘Books and Beer’ fundraiser to return
The Greene County Public Library Foundation will again host “Books and Beer,” a fundraiser for Greene County’s Dolly Parton Imagination Library program, at YS Brewery.
BLOG–Enacting MLK’s Beloved Community: Yellow Springs Edition
What began with a community meeting in 2015 is culminating in a six-week journey this fall. Do we have the communal will to be in significant relationships with refugees and Muslims in the greater-Dayton area?
Repair Café to return to village
The YS Repair Café will be held for a second time on Saturday, Sept. 23, 1–4 p.m. at the Bryan Center.
Always coming home to the village
Betty and Jim Felder, both in their 80s, have been recounting their time in Yellow Springs, how they met and when they came here, by each telling their stories which circle back, intertwine and pick up where the other left off.
Still vibrant, still Victorettes
In the spring of 1944, a group of young African-American women came together under the leadership and musical direction of Dorothy Boyce. They called themselves “The Victorettes.”
Celebrating 30 years of community mediation
There’s really no knowing the extent to which Yellow Springs might be different if not for the existence of the Village Mediation Program.
Dogs make a splash at Gaunt Park pool
About 40 local canines and their owners took part in the Labor Day Doggie Splash at Gaunt Park pool.
Lap dogs
Nearly 40 canines and their human companions, along with one miniature horse, took part in the first Doggie Splash on Labor Day at the Gaunt Park pool.
EPA studies vapor in Vernay site cleanup
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is trying to determine whether vapors from an underground plume of toxic chemicals expose neighbors of a federal cleanup to dangerous levels of carcinogens, or if residents are safe from immediate and long-term harm.
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