Village Life Section :: Page 157
Tecumseh Land Trust and Dharma Center sponsor walking toward mindfulness
If you think the only way to meditate is sitting cross-legged with eyes closed, think again. A walking meditation in the great outdoors can open up a whole new world of sights, sounds, sensations and smells — all while re-wiring the brain to be more aware in everyday life.
Charges filed in Glen Helen ‘gunman’ scare
Cody Buffenbarger, 22, of Springboro, was charged last week with falsification, a first-degree misdemeanor, for fabricating a story on June 27 about a man with a gun near Ecocamp cabins in Glen Helen.
Youth rec soccer registration open
Yellow Springs Soccer Inc’s youth recreational soccer season kicked off with a registration and clinic on Saturday, Aug. 24. Players are still being accepted.
Browns Backers kick off 2013 season
The Yellow Springs Browns Backers are gearing up for the new season with a barbecue potluck meet and greet party on Sunday, Aug. 18.
Yellow Springs’ own Jackson honored
Phyllis Lawson Jackson will be honored as an inductee into the Greene County Women’s Hall of Fame.
WYSO brings family to town
The first thing Toylyn, Basim and Malcolm Blunt did when they moved into their house on North Stafford Street was light incense and candles as a way to prepare the space and bring positive energy to their new home.
Science and Cowboy Magician this week
“Spellbound!” science today and “I Dig Reading” on Wednesday at the library for the kids.
Fighting West Nile in the village
To keep the mosquito-borne West Nile Virus at bay, local groups are urging residents to remove mosquito breeding sites on their property.
Pastor Derrick Weston to leave— Social justice voice to move on
Pastor Derrick Weston will soon leave the First Presbyterian Church, which he has led since January 2012, to work towards just that cause as he becomes the director of a non-profit community development organization that empowers inner-city youth in Pittsburgh.
Charges pending for Glen counselor
Last week the Greene County Sheriff began working with the Greene County Prosecutor to settle on charges that will likely be handed to the Glen Helen naturalist who two weeks ago lied about a man with a gun in the Glen.
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