Village Life Section :: Page 159
Fighting West Nile in the village
To keep the mosquito-borne West Nile Virus at bay, local groups are urging residents to remove mosquito breeding sites on their property.
Pastor Derrick Weston to leave— Social justice voice to move on
Pastor Derrick Weston will soon leave the First Presbyterian Church, which he has led since January 2012, to work towards just that cause as he becomes the director of a non-profit community development organization that empowers inner-city youth in Pittsburgh.
Charges pending for Glen counselor
Last week the Greene County Sheriff began working with the Greene County Prosecutor to settle on charges that will likely be handed to the Glen Helen naturalist who two weeks ago lied about a man with a gun in the Glen.
Coach Jimmy in critical but stable condition
Jimmy Chesire remains in critical but stable condition at Kettering Medical Center following brain surgery last Sunday evening.
New Reiki Gong business — A life path that veered to healing
Philip Love found in meditation and Eastern spirituality the enlightenment he once sought in a Messiah and a materialistic lifestyle and created his own unique practice that blends Tibetan Reiki healing with the Chinese practice of Qigong.
Bike and Build returns to village
For the next few days, volunteers from the group Bike and Build Inc. will visit Yellow Springs and work with Home, Inc. on affordable housing projects.
YSSC to pick a new director
When one of two final applicants for the directorship of the Yellow Springs Senior Center is named in the next several weeks, she will be at the helm of a vital organization that is growing beyond its original scope.
Yellow Springs Senior Center announces new director
The Yellow Springs Senior Center board announced yesterday that Dayton resident Karen Wolford will be the Senior Center’s new executive director.
Fireworks on again
The rescheduled Yellow Springs Independence Day parade will take place today, July 6, at 3 p.m.
Starflower says ‘no’ to GMO
Starflower Natural Foods owner Marnie Neumann recently vowed to stop purchasing new items that contain GMOs for her store, saying that GMOs are both unhealthy to eat and bad for the environment. Soon Starflower may be completely GMO-free.
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