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Village Life Section :: Page 196

  • The skunks are out!

    The weather has let up. You let the dog out. A few moments later you hear a scuffle, a tell-tale yelp.

  • Seeking way forward on affordability

    Since villagers began discussing the need for affordable housing in Yellow Springs in the 1970s, the issue has fostered lively and forceful debate that has sometimes divided the community.

  • Drillers ask for land leases

    An energy company began contacting landowners in Miami Township last week about leasing their land for oil and gas drilling.

  • Ice will melt, but the stories linger

    Not going anywhere soon: Last Wednesday morning a van on W. Davis Street seemed to shrink under the weight of the ice-covered tree that had toppled over during the ice storm the night before. Hundreds of limbs and branches fell during the storm, causing power outages all over the village. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    The Great Yellow Springs Ice Storm of 2011 had a silver lining, as the warmth of community softened Mother Nature’s blow.

  • Update on brush collection

    Take brush to curb in pieces that seem manageable for collection.

  • Will you be my valentine?

    The Yellow Springs Public Library hosted a valentine-making event for children last Friday afternoon.

  • YS Bahá’ís back those in Iran

    Growing up in Iran in the 1950s and ’60s, local resident Farzaneh (Behjati) Mader experienced some discrimination based on her adherence to the Bahá’í faith. But the Iranian Revolution had changed the country beyond recognition, especially for the Behjatis.

  • Fracking concerns arise in village

    The prospect of oil and gas drilling in the area is raising worries among some Yellow Springs residents because of a controversial drilling technique called fracking. What does the fracking process entail?

  • Branch Pick-Up Planned

    The Village will pick up branches from ice storm beginning Feb. 14. (Photo by Eliza Minde-Berman)

    The Village will pick up branches from the storm if villagers put the debris on the curb.

  • Village ice storm stories

    On Thursday, after the lights came back on downtown, villagers could be found sharing stories about the ice storm that crashed through town Tuesday night.

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