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Articles by Carol Simmons :: Page 35

  • Faculty strike looms at Wright State

    With the threat of a looming strike, about 200 Wright State University faculty members and their supporters packed the most recent meeting of the university’s board of trustees Friday morning, Oct. 19, to express their frustration and anger about the ongoing impasse in contract negotiations.

  • YS school board — District seeks levy renewal

    With a renewal levy on the Nov. 6 ballot, Yellow Springs school  district leaders want local voters to know that the measure, if approved, will not increase their tax bill.

  • State Issue 1 targets drug laws

    Not everyone may realize it, but there is “not a person in our state who isn’t impacted” by the concerns addressed in Ohio Issue 1, villager Lindie Keaton said this week.

  • YS Schools — Superintendent outlines new district goals

    Improving school culture, deepening the rigor of project-based learning and collaborating with the community on a plan for district facilities were among the main areas of focus in a set of proposed goals presented to the Yellow Springs School Board during its most recent regular meeting.

  • YS Credit Union celebrates 70 years

    The Yellow Springs Federal Credit Union is marking its 70th anniversary with a public celebration on Saturday, Sept. 29, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at its downtown offices. Pictured are YSCU President and CEO Sandy Hollenberg, left, and employees Peter Mayne and Angel Johnston. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    What began as a small cooperative financial initiative is now a 70-year-old local institution.

  • Double-murder case comes to an end

    Dustin Merrick, 27, and Bret Merrick, 25, were in court Wednesday, Sept. 12, as part of their plea deals in the shooting deaths early last year of local residents William "Skip" Brown and Sherri Mendenhall. (Photos by Carol Simmons)

    You are never getting out of prison,” Judge Michael Buckwalter told Dustin Merrick last week during the 27-year-old’s sentencing for the double murder early last year.

  • School board — Concerns over safety linger at high school

    Concerns over student safety and well-being, administrative accountability and district leadership were aired at an emotionally heightened Yellow Springs school board meeting last week. 

  • Cresco Labs planting, moving ahead

    Cresco Labs’ 50,000-square-foot facility on the western edge of Yellow Springs was recently granted a certificate of operation from the state. The company is now growing cannabis for the medical marijuana market. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Last Friday, Sept. 14, Cresco Labs in Yellow Springs was granted its certificate of operation by the State of Ohio, allowing the company to begin its production of medical marijuana.

  • MTFR station construction delayed

    A recent rendering of the Miami Township Fire-Rescue station by project architects MSA Architects of Cincinnati shows what the new fire station along Xenia Avenue may look like. The project has been delayed because an initial bid to construct it was too high. (Rendering courtesy of MSA Architects)

    The timeline for construction of the new fire station on the south side of town has been pushed back several months as the township seeks new bids for the $4.9 million project.

  • Merrick brothers— Plea would avoid execution

    Dustin Merrick, 27, and Bret Merrick, 25, were in court Wednesday, Sept. 12, as part of their plea deals in the shooting deaths early last year of local residents William "Skip" Brown and Sherri Mendenhall. (Photos by Carol Simmons)

    In a move that allows them to avoid the death penalty, the two defendants accused in the homicides early last year were in court Wednesday morning, Sept. 12, to accept a plea deal.

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