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Articles by Carol Simmons :: Page 37

  • Bringing global leadership lessons home

    The educator became the learner this summer when Yellow Springs Schools Superintendent Mario Basora spent about three weeks in Germany and the Czech Republic.

  • Unique bench honors beloved man

    A memorial bench for village resident Don Benning, who died last year, is in place in front of Tom’s Market, thanks to the efforts of lifelong family friend Shelly Blackman, left, who commissioned locally based artisan Bruce Parker, right, to create the bench that reflects Benning’s multiple interests. (photo by Carol Simmons)

    Nearly a year has gone by since the death last September of longtime villager Donald E. Benning at the age of 83.

  • Senior athletes: They did it

    Villager Diana Castellano, pictured here in a recent race, has qualified to compete in multiple biking and swimming events as well as the triathlon competition at the 2019 National Senior Games, popularly called the Senior Olympics, to be held in June in Albuquerque, N.M. Longtime Yellow Springs resident Cheryl Meyer, not pictured, qualified to compete in four swimming events. Both women swim with the Dayton Sharks team. (submitted photo)

    Villagers Diana Castellano and Cheryl Meyer may seem like unlikely Olympians.

  • YS pharmacist set for NYC move

    Janice Blandford, head pharmacist at Town Drug for the past four years, says she is “semi-retiring” as she leaves the local drug store after 20 years off and on, and moves with her husband, Thad Tarpey, to New York City, where Tarpey has a new job. (photo by Robert Hasek)

    After 35 years as a pharmacist, 20 of them off and on in Yellow Springs and the last four as the full-time druggist in charge at Town Drug, Janice Blandford is leaving the downtown pharmacy and moving to New York City.

  • Krier stays on paid leave

    After completing the 2017–18 school year on paid medical leave, Tim Krier, principal, will start the new academic year on paid administrative leave.

  • Interim principal, assistant principal approved

    Offering no comment about the action, the Yellow Springs School Board last week appointed Jack Hatert, assistant principal at Yellow Springs High and McKinney Middle schools, as interim principal of the combined campus for the 2018–19 school year.

  • YSTC’s ‘Midsummer’ magic

    Continuing the tradition of presenting Shakespeare under the stars, the Yellow Springs Theater Company will present “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” this weekend and next, July 13–14 and 20–21, at 8 p.m., on the grounds behind Mills Lawn School. At a recent rehearsal, from left, villagers Ali Thomas, who plays Fairy Queen Titania; Amy Magnus, the fairy Cobweb; and Brian Upchurch, who as Nick Bottom finds himself in a temporary lamentable circumstance. (Photo by Carol Simmons )

    Fanciful, magical and at times uproariously funny, William Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is a popular go-to production for summer outdoor theater.

  • Yellow Springs shows its pride colors

    The village’s LGBTQ comnunity and allies will celebrate YS Pride this Saturday, June 30, with a festival beginning at noon and continuing through the day until 5 p.m. in the parking lot of Peach’s. The Pride Parade begins at 5 p.m. from Peach’s parking lot, and continues downtown. Pictured above is Zay Crawford, a proud participant who led last year’s parade. (News archive Photo By Aaron Zaremsky)

    Downtown Yellow Springs is awash in rainbows. The annual local celebration — YS Pride — will be celebrated this Saturday, June 30, with a free festival and march through downtown.

  • School board— Facility visit prompts optimism

    The building structure of the Yellow Springs High School/McKinney Middle School facility appears to be in better condition than school district leaders feared, according to the initial feedback of two structural engineers who toured the school campus Wednesday, June 13.

  • 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb registration open

    Registration is open for the fifth annual Yellow Springs 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb.

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