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Articles by Carol Simmons :: Page 52

  • Mills Lawn School students on task with four sides

    Mills Lawn third-grade students studied quadrilaterals in math class this year by getting outside and identifying four-sided shapes in the community. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    One of the challenges for teachers of mathematics is helping students see the relevancy of seemingly abstract concepts in their daily lives. “When will I ever use this?” is an oft-muttered refrain.

  • A life of service abroad

    Ashley Lackovich-Van Gorp, who recently moved with her family to Yellow Springs, has founded a nonprofit, Enhance Worldwide, which aims to help girls in Ethiopia “navigate a pathway out of poverty.” She recently received a Ph.D. in Leadership and Change from Antioch University. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Ashley Lackovich-Van Gorp is the founder and executive director of the nonprofit organization Enhance Worldwide, which seeks to help girls “as they navigate a pathway out of poverty.”

  • Fiber Forum: Municipal Broadband Network

    Fiber Forum: Municipal Broadband Network

  • High-speed internet discussed as Village utility

    Tim Barhorst, left, chair of the Springs-Net nonprofit and Thor Sage of the Miami Valley Educational Computer Association, or MVECA, are among the organizers of the Fiber Forum, to take place Saturday, April 25, beginning at 9 a.m. at MVECA on East Enon Road. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Internet access has become a utility, say community members who are urging Village leaders to construct a fiber optic network that would provide high-speed Internet access for the entire town.

  • Friends Music Camp fundraiser— Making music for a unique camp

    The annual Friends Music Camp concert fundraiser, featuring former camper Martin Bakari, takes place this year on Monday, Dec. 29, at 7:30 p.m. in Westminster Hall at the First Presbyterian Church. An eclectic evening of music by campers, former campers and staff members will be provided. Shown above is the local band SassaBrass, which performed at last year’s event. (News archive photo by Matt Minde)

    Last year’s winter benefit concert for Friends Music Camp drew such a large audience, the Senior Center’s Great Room was bursting at the seams with people sitting on the floor in the front and standing several deep against the back and side walls.

  • Working on a ‘network of peace’

    Former longtime villager and founder of the Dayton Peace Museum Fred Arment recently published “The Economics of Peace: Freedom, the Golden Rule and the Broadening of Prosperity.” The book was published by McFarland. (submitted photo)

    The world may seem full of turmoil, disharmony and injustice, but peace worker and longtime village resident Fred Arment is hopeful about the future. In fact, he sees “an epic shift” already under way. The founder and director of International Cities of Peace and a founder of the Dayton International Peace Museum, Arment has met […]

  • Village chock full of holiday events

    Dancing elves and a tree-lighting event, shown above, kicked off the Yellow Springs holiday season in 2013. This year, a host of events is planned by the Chamber of Commerce, including the Holiday Fest downtown on Saturday, Dec. 13. (News archive photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    The downtown is decorated, the village Christmas trees have been lighted, and the holiday season has kicked into high gear. There seems to be something festive to see or do in the community each day through New Year’s.

  • Cultural enrichment for both exchange students and hosts

    Yellow Springs High School French teacher and guidance counselor Dave Smith doesn’t know how long the school has been welcoming foreign exchange students into its senior class, but he says the program was “a well-established tradition” when he joined the teaching staff 20 years ago.

  • Lloyd Kennedy on his 100th— A cheerful guy who gets things done

    Among those celebrating Lloyd Kennedy’s 100th birthday last Sunday at the First Presbyterian Church were, in front, Kennedy, Liam Magnus, Mike Trelawny-Cassity, Anaya Adoff and Zan Magnus; in back, from left, Sven Meister, Jane Meister, Kate Meister and Tyler Linkhart. (photo by Carol Simmons)

    The gathering following the Sunday morning Oct. 19 worship service at First Presbyterian Church was nothing but joyous as more than 100 family, friends and admirers of parishioner Lloyd Kennedy celebrated his 100th birthday at his spiritual home for the past 64 years.

  • Rally for marriage equality

    Issa Walker, of the Yellow Springs-based hip-hop group Village Fam, rehearses with the World House Choir, under the direction of Catherine Roma, on a song that will be performed as part of Friday night’s Pep Rally for Marriage Equality, hosted by the choir, at the Antioch Foundry Theater. The collaborative piece composed specially for the all-volunteer choir combines rap and four-part harmonies. Friday night’s multimedia event, scheduled to begin at 7:40 p.m., will include music, dance and a variety of visual elements. In addition to members of Village Fam, guest performers will include MUSE, Cincinnati’s Women’s Choir; and dancers Melissa Heston and Rodney Veal. Admission is free. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    The World House Choir is hosting a Pep Rally for Marriage Equality on Friday, Oct. 10, intentionally set on the eve of National Coming Out Day.

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