Arts Section :: Page 41
Performance, exhibit at Antioch — Bringing A-bomb history to light
When Japanese atomic-bomb survivor Kyoko Hayashi traveled to the Trinity nuclear test site in New Mexico, she found burned mountains, ruined fields, and a “wilderness forced into silence.”
Senior Center receives grant for annual literary journal
The Senior Center was recently awarded a grant from the Ohio Arts Council for its annual elder literary journal, Ripples. The grant will allow the Senior Center to provide writing workshops for all ages and to produce the sixth edition of the journal, which will be available in June of 2019.
‘The Genius of Marian’ to screen for free at Little Art
As part of its year-long effort to increase community awareness about dementia, the Dementia Friendly Yellow Springs Project will host a free showing of the award-winning documentary, “The Genius of Marian,” on Sunday, Sept. 30, 7 p.m., at the Little Art Theatre.
Festival celebrates music, kindness
A two-day, low-key, family-friendly, good-vibing music festival, Fancy Fest is taking place this weekend in a private wooded area just outside of Yellow Springs on Jacoby Road.
Pulling the wool before our eyes
The 23rd Annual Wool Gathering at Young’s Dairy last weekend. The two-day event brought in over 100 vendors and participants from the region and surrounding states.
‘Wilderness Mute’ meditates on Nagasaki bombing at Antioch
A special performance of “NAGASAKI — Wilderness Mute” by composer Keiko Fujiie will be held Friday, Sept. 21, 7:30 p.m., in the Foundry Theater at Antioch College
World in the house
Last Saturday, Sept. 8, the World House Choir gave the second of four performances of the oratorio, ‘Bayard Rustin: The Man Behind the Dream.’
Unsung civil rights activist remembered
In an effort to bring civil rights activist Bayard Rustin’s story out of the shadows of history, a series of events, including multiple performances of an oratorio about the activist’s life, will be presented in early September.
Old, new friends return to CMYS
Chamber Music in Yellow Springs has announced its 35th season, bringing a variety of ensembles — “Old Friends, New Friends” — to audiences in the Miami Valley.
Together, local poets refine their verses
A group of five poets have met monthly on Sunday evenings in their homes for the last two years, to help each other improve their poetry skills.
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