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Village Council Section :: Page 11

  • Village Council outlines next steps for Oberer

    The vote to approve a planned unit development, or PUD, for Oberer has been put on hold for now, but Village Council and the developer must make their case to villagers.

  • Village Council postpones Oberer discussion

    Days after its regular Dec. 6 meeting, where Village Council heard concerns from several villagers, Council decided to postpone the second reading on an ordinance that would grant Planned Urban Development, or PUD, zoning to Oberer for its property on the southern end of the village.

  • Villagers voice concerns over Oberer

    At its Monday, Dec. 6, regular meeting, held via Zoom, Village Council members raised questions and heard comments from villagers regarding a planned unit development, or PUD, proposed for the south end of town.

  • Village Council drills down on budget

    At its regular meeting on Nov. 15, held via Zoom, Village Council took several steps toward appropriating funds for the 2022 budget, which will be voted on at its Dec. 6 meeting.

  • Village Council eyes Sutton Farm for solar array

    At its regular meeting on Nov. 1, held virtually via Zoom, Village Council members heard a report from Village Manager Josué Salmerón that detailed the standing of the Village’s energy portfolio and ways to continue using alternative energy in order to provide electricity to the village.

  • Villagers give feedback on citizen review board

    In their regular meeting on Monday, Oct. 18, Council members dedicated time to hear public feedback on their Oct. 4 meeting with Larry James, the attorney Council hired to review the proposal for a citizen review board, or CRB.

  • Citizen review board still a possibility

    In a special meeting the hour prior to its regular meeting, on Monday, Oct. 4, Village Council met with attorney Larry James to discuss the legality of the proposed Citizen Review Board, or CRB.

  • Village Council airs concerns over 2022 budget shortfalls

    A recent memo sent to Village Council members by Finance Director Matt Dillon lays out a 2022 budget scenario in which current revenue projections “do not support the Village’s current projections for [the 2022 fiscal year] general fund expenses.”

  • Village Council votes down mask ordinance update

    At its regular virtual meeting on Monday, Oct. 18, held via Zoom, Council attempted to pass an emergency ordinance to update the wording on the Village mask mandate.

  • Council discusses CRB, Mills Lawn greenspace

    In its regular meeting Monday, Sept. 20, Village Council members considered whether to move forward with discussions about the formation of a citizen review board.

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