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Articles About news from the past :: Page 3

  • News from the Past — June 2021

    100 years ago: 1921 — Boat stolen. “NOTICE: The parties who have taken the boat off Bryan Park Lake are known, unless it is returned at once prosecution will follow.” Read more News from the Past, as compiled by contributing writer, Don Hollister.

  • News from the Past — May 2021

    25 years ago: 1996 — Glass Farm plans. “Village Council agreed recently to commit a portion of the Village-owned Glass Farm to a development of affordable homes.” Read more News from the Past, as compiled by contributing writer, Don Hollister.

  • News from the Past — Memorial Day, 1958

    With two school bands, the American Legion and Legion Auxiliary, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts and Brownies made its traditional parade to Glen Forest Cemetery to hold Memorial Day services.

  • News from the Past

    In last week’s “News from the Past” column, contributing writer Don Hollister did another dive into the YS News archives and compiled some of the more compelling headlines that occurred in past Marches and Aprils.

  • News from the Past: Gov. DeWine’s first vaccine

    This isn’t Gov. DeWine’s first brush with vaccinations. While digging through the archives, Yellow Springs News production team recently uncovered a photo of DeWine receiving his polio vaccine in 1955.

  • News from the Past

    In last week’s “News from the Past” column, contributing writer Don Hollister did another dive into the YS News archives and compiled some of the more compelling headlines that occurred in past Januaries and Februaries.

  • News from the Past

    In last week’s “News from the Past” column, contributing writer Don Hollister did another dive into the YS News archives and compiled some of the more compelling headlines that occurred in past Decembers.

  • Spirits of Christmas Past

    In the spirit of the holidays, the Yellow Springs News did a deep dive into the News archives and unearthed a bevy of fun holiday photos from past decades.

  • News from the Past

    In last week’s “News from the Past” column, contributing writer Don Hollister did another dive into the YS News archives and compiled some of the more compelling headlines that occurred in past Novembers.

  • News from the Past

    Contributing writer Don Hollister compiles some of the more compelling headlines that occurred in past Septembers and Octobers in last week’s “News from the Past” column.

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