Obituaries Section :: Page 35
Pamela See-Dettorre
Pamela Elaine See-Dettorre passed on Oct. 2, 2021, due to complications of West Nile Virus. She was 76.
David R. Muffler
Former Yellow Springs resident David R. Muffler died July 24, 2013, in Knoxville, Tenn.
Avram Wimer-Farr
Avram Wimer-Farr died of an undiagnosed heart condition on Friday, Sept. 24, at his residence in Yellow Springs, Ohio. He was 26, born Dec. 28, 1994.
Seymour Wexler memorial
A memorial and celebration of life for Seymour Wexler will be held in Yellow Springs on Sunday, Oct. 10, beginning at 2 p.m.
Linda “Suzie” Archbold
The family of Linda “Suzie” Archbold, of Springfield, is deeply saddened to announce she was welcomed into the loving arms of her Lord, Jesus Christ, at the age of 71, and is now at peace in the warmth and light of her Savior.
Evelyn Gray
We are approaching the first anniversary of Evelyn Gray’s passing on Nov. 3, 2020. The family will be hosting a celebration of life in honor of Evelyn on Oct. 2, 2021, at 1 p.m. at Vernet Ecological Center, located at 405 Corry St. in Yellow Springs.
Andy Jerison
Andrew Donald Jerison, always known as Andy, died on Aug. 29, 2021 from pancreatic cancer.
Moya Dale Shea
Moya Dale Shea passed away at home on Sept. 7, 2021, with her son, Jason, by her side.
Sidney Leonard
Sidney Leonard, of Portland, Maine, passed away on Sept. 8 after a battle with cancer. She was 62.
Misu Wunnish Crocker
On Friday, Aug. 27, 2021, Misu Wunnish Crocker, of Athens, Ohio, left this plane at the age of 25, after an instant fatal car crash.
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