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Economy Section :: Page 12

  • Son takes the helm at Tom’s Market

    After 57 years of working in Yellow Springs’ downtown grocery, proprietor Tom Gray is retiring, and taking over the store is his youngest son, Jeff Gray.

  • 2021 in Review | Yellow Springs Development Corporation

    The Yellow Springs Development Corporation completed its second year in 2021, debuting a website — — and by year’s end, adding a time for community comments during its monthly public meeting.

  • 2021 in Review | Village Businesses

    In 2021, dozens of businesses in Yellow Springs opened their doors, expanded, shifted or celebrated significant anniversaries.

  • Yellow Springs Baking Company set to open

    Fresh out of the oven, a new business is coming to Yellow Springs. Opening soon is the Yellow Springs Baking Company, located in the heart of the Millworks business center.

  • Yellow Springs Development Corporation ends the year by looking ahead

    At its last monthly meeting of the year, conducted online Tuesday, Dec. 7, the Yellow Springs Development Corporation, or YSDC, spent time discussing possible projects and areas of focus for 2022.

  • Downtown Yellow Springs businesses shift and grow

    As the seasons change, so do some of the village’s favorite businesses: this fall found many local stores shaking up their way of doing things, with some moving, others expanding and still others altering their business models.

  • Lawson Place purchase eases tenant worries

    On Nov. 29, Council approved a down payment for the building of $160,000 and authorized the financing of the purchase for up to an additional $800,000. The closing date will likely be after the new year.

  • Yellow Springs Development Corporation refines focus

    Coming up on its second anniversary, with most of its existence undertaken amid the pandemic, the Yellow Springs Development Corporation, or YSDC, is continuing to refine its purpose and procedures.

  • Village hardware store changes hands

    This year, Yellow Springs Hardware will change hands for only the fourth time in its 94-year history.

  • Extended Coverage | Planning Commission sends Oberer plans to Village Council

    At its Tuesday, Nov. 9, regular meeting, held via Zoom, Village Planning Commission approved a conditional use application submitted by Oberer Land Developers to rezone 52.6 acres in southern Yellow Springs to accommodate a 140-unit residential neighborhood.

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