Village Life Section :: Page 86
Couple saved in morning fire
Lightning was the likely cause of an early morning house fire Tuesday, May 28, that sent three Yellow Springs residents to the hospital, fire Chief Colin Altman said this week.
Volunteers needed for annual Strawberry Cutting Bee
The annual Strawberry Cutting Bee, where volunteers help to cut berries for the First Presbyterian Church’s Strawberry Fest fundraiser, will be held Friday, June 7, beginning at 9 a.m. at the church.
Streets to close for Street Fair
Several streets in the village will close for preparations for the spring Street Fair this weekend.
Swim lessons offered at Gaunt Park Pool
Swim lessons will be offered at the Gaunt Park Pool during two four-day sessions: Monday–Thursday, June 10–13 and June 17–20.
African-American Genealogy Group celebrates 20 years
The African-American Genealogy Group of the Miami Valley, or AAGGMV, will celebrate its 20th anniversary on June 22 in Dayton. The Anniversary Celebration will convene at the Historic McKinley United Methodist Church from 10 a.m.–2 p.m.
Perry League T-ball to begin
It’s nearly June — and that means it’s time for the Perry League, Yellow Springs’ all volunteer, 10-week T-ball program for all kids, 2–9 years of age.
Yellow Springs missed by tornado, hit by hail
Extreme weather on Monday evening, May 27, put a damp and scary ending to the Memorial Day holiday weekend.
Street Fair coming soon
The summer Street Fair will return to the village on Saturday, June 8, 9 a.m.–5 p.m., with the Music and Beer Fest from noon to 7 p.m.
2019 Gaunt Park Pool Passes and Schedule
Home, Inc. annual meeting speaker — A history of unfair housing
The average white family in America today has 10 times the wealth of the average black family. To longtime fair housing administrator Larry Pearl, “that’s an amazing figure,” and its cause can be traced to America’s long history of housing discrimination.
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